


Have you ever spotted a girl from across the room and wondered what you had to do to get her to go out with you? Maybe you sit by a great girl in one of your classes and just aren't sure how to progress with things. Have you had some unlucky breaks in the pass? Whether you've been out on a couple of dates but feel like you’re doing something wrong, or you’re trying to get that first ever first date, we can help you out! By following the five simple steps below and paying attention to what to do and what not to do, we can get you on a first date and have you well on your way to a second. You never know, these steps could even help you go on a date with the 
girl you’ll marry someday!

You should pay attention to what she likes and dislikes. For instance, if she has a binder with adorable puppies on it, chances are that she likes dogs and might have one of her own. Ask her about it! Don’t be afraid to start asking her more personal questions. You could ask her what her favorite childhood tv show was, or her favorite family vacation. Asking these kinds of questions will not only allow you to learn more about her, but she will also pick up on you being interested in her!

Today’s finally the day, you’re going to ask the girl you’re interested in out on a date! It’s important for you to look nice when doing so. Create a good impression of yourself on the outside to go along with your great personality on the inside. Girls love guys who clean up nicely.

It’s also important to make sure you ask her out when she’s alone. It can be intimidating and awkward for everyone if she’s with her best girlfriends. This will also allow her to give you an honest answer. She will be more likely to respond in a positive way if you catch her alone than when she knows her friends are judging the actions she makes.
Try not to make a big deal out of asking her out. Make it seem casual and confident, as if you do this every day of the week. Approach her with a friendly, “Hi!” and ask her how her day has been going. You need the right balance of confidence and passiveness. You don’t want to come on too strong or she might become uncomfortable. Make sure you are talking with her at a normal talking pace. If you try and rush through things she might take you as desperate and say no!

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